eNote™ - ALTERNATIVE by Mikro Kapital
USD 10,000,000
Projected Fundraise

About the Issuer

Founded in Luxembourg in 2008, Mikro Kapital has always believed in microfinance as a chance to invest in the real economy and the development of emerging countries small entrepreneurship, while offering investors interesting opportunities.

About Obligate (Issuance Platform)

InvestaX is distributing this deal in collaboration with Obligate. Obligate is a leading platform for the issuance of blockchain-based bonds, spearheading the movement to bring Real World Assets to the blockchain. Obligate is headquartered in Switzerland.

Deal Highlights

ALTERNATIVE, a Mikro Kapital securitization fund, offers to professional and institutional investors fixed coupon, fixed maturity debt securities linked to the risks related to micro-financing.

  • Settlement Currency: USDC
  • Coupon Rate: 9.5% p.a.
  • Coupon Frequency: Quarterly
  • Tenor: 12 Months
  • Impact investing to support the real economy (Complies with SRI principles)
  • Significant equity buffer >EUR 60MM
  • At fund level <1% NPL
  • 16-year track record, >2.3bn USD issued bonds since inception
  • FX fully hedged, No leverage
  • Full collateralisation of underlying portfolio
  • Low correlation to other asset classes
  • 0 Default since inception

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