Salzworth Asset Management
10,000,000 USD
Projected Fundraise

Salzworth Asset Management obtained its Registered Fund Management Company’s license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore in 2019.Our team of professionals offers more than 80 years of combined experience in fund management, trading, banking and capital markets services.

Salzworth Global Currency Fund is a technical, long short, multi strategy returns focused portfolio, focusing on liquid currencies (G 10 /Gold).

Deal Highlights

The Fund captures gains via price action technical trading strategies.It is constructed with multiple diverse trading styles to:

  • Exploit market opportunities and inefficiencies,
  • Diversify the Fund’s exposure to regulate overall capital drawdown,
  • Enable us to scale the fund efficiently, and generate consistent and sustainable returns for the mid to long term.

The Fund employs algorithms to minimize human failings and provides a systematic risk disciplined approach in trade execution, optimizing speed and scale for the Fund.


Salzworth Global Currency Fund is a sub-fund Salzworth Trading Fund. Salzworth Trading Fund is an umbrella open-ended umbrella trust managed by Salzworth Asset Management Pte Ltd.The information above has been provided by Salzworth Asset Management Pte Ltd. The contents of the above have not been verified by InvestaX and InvestaX assumes no responsibility for the contents above, including the accuracy, completeness or correctness of any of the information, statements or opinions made or reports contained in the content above. This is not an advertisement making an offer or calling attention to an offer or intended offer.
